Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The power of creative imagination....


The famous quote - Imagination is more important than knowledge by Albert Einstein speaks volume about the way education should be. On top of the pursuit of knowledge, it must also open up the creativity and inquisitive mind of the student.

George Bernard Shaw, the Irish writer said this beautifully, “You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'”

If we think that we cannot then we can't. However, when we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless! We will then not be hinder by what we don't have know. Or what we do not have. Instead we will be so spurred by what we can do and can have.

The importance of Charity

What goes around comes around. One truly reap what one sows. Hence it is always good to show others kindness even when they do not deserve it. Because you never know when you need help from someone else.

However, our acts of kindness to others should never be with an expectation that they will repay us. It is our duty to help others who are in need.

Out of the abundance that we have, we need to give to those who are less fortunate. Better still, if out of our lack, we are able to think and give to those who are worse off than us. Because by putting others before us, we become less focus on ourselves and hence forgetting our own problems by putting others first.


The American Heritage dictionary defines integrity as a steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. It is the state of being unimpaired.

In the everyday life, we are bombarded with a thousand and one choices each day. We need to have to make conscious effort to always choose that which is right. There will be time when doing the right thing is so much more difficult than that which is not correct. Then the challenge is do I still pay the price and do the right thing? Especially so when no one is watching.

Integrity isn't just doing in the external but to have a strong conviction for that which is right.

Loyalty is......

In Luke 16 : 13, Jesus said that "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

To me, that's loyalty. To have an one track mind, to fully devoted to that which I decided to follow after. Only when one is focused then one is able to pursue wholeheartedly that which is before him.

What is Success?

What is success?
Good grades? High salary?
Well, to me, success means to give your best shot in all that you do. Although others may not think much of your performance what matters is that you have tried your hardest. Even if that doesn't measure up to others' expectation, it really doesn't matter. That is because deep down you know that you have put in your best effort!